


 Level of Severity: Tier 1
Susceptible Species: Draken, Nyulop
Susceptible Ages: All Ages, Children are much more susceptible however


Signs and Symptoms


Infrigis sickness is entirely harmless, being much more annoying than actually painful in any way. The annoyance starts with a lot of sneezing, making most want to avoid you as it is highly contagious. Excessive sneezing is the easiest symptom to pick out.
Having a lot of tissues nearby is a must, as grayish mucus will begin to drip from the nose and you will need to blow your nose often to get it out. It is thought the cause of the coloring of the mucus is due to inhaling smoke or dust. Because of all the fires made to keep warm during winter, this sickness can be caught very easily if you have a fireplace in your home.

Many sufferers don't even bother going to the doctor, instead preferring to wait it out and stay in bed until they feel better. Being bedridden isn't all that bad when you have someone there to bring you meals and take care of you until the sickness runs its course naturally, about a week after it is first contracted.




First, you may find yourself with some simple sniffles. Your nose may itch, and some sneezing might occur. Sufferers will start to feel weak, and will most likely want to stay in bed by the first 24 hours of catching this sickness. Soon they will be fully bedridden, wracked by sneezing and snotty noses, runny eyes, and will be feeling too weak to even raise a glass to their mouth to drink. Gray mucus may drip from the nose, mouth, and sometimes even eyes if it is bad enough. Dark bags will appear under the eyes and will get darker as the sickness progresses. The easiest sign to look for if you're getting better is to look if the eye bags are starting to disappear.

Associated Prompt