Basic Rules Regarding Transfers
All members are eligible for one (1) free transfer to begin. As transfers allow for many upgrades to be available at level 0 they will be obtainable through an item known as a Mysterious Train Ticket. This item will be accessible through giveaways, events and the Cash Shop
2) Members may transfer one (1) character a month, with no cap on how many you wish to bring in. Transfers will be monitored by members of staff.
3) Mysterious Train Tickets may be gifted to other members and traded at The Trading Post, but are not allowed to be resold for deviantART Points, or real world currency.
If you are turning your transferred character into a Draken you will have one of two options you may choose from.
1) You may select your Draken's element based on the colours of the original character design, and work with one of the preexisting elemental palettes to tweak the colors as close as possible to the original colors. This can be done through the use of Unlimited Colors (excluding the extended palette) and Tinter.
2) You may forego the use of your character's original palette and instead work with one of the preexisting elemental palettes like a standard MYO.
If you are turning your transferred character into a Nyulop than you will have one of two choices you may choose from:
1) You may retain your original colours as we will grant access to the adult upgrades Pelt Modifier, Add A Colour, Unlimited Colours and Colour Mixup.
2) You may forgo the use of your original palette in favour of working with one of the Standard Unlucky/Lucky Nyulop palettes like a MYO would.
Whistler Crest does allow you to transfer in deceased characters!
Now here we go!
Step #2
Age Them Down
Since Whistler Crest works on an EXP based leveling system, you will start at Level 1 (instead of Level 0). Your character will be a child. Your character will start with 100 EXP instead of 0 EXP
For more information and help on understanding EXP please read the EXP and Level Guide.
Step #3
Traits And How To Handle Them
For this step, you’ll need the Draken MYO Guide and the Nyulop MYO Guide. It is important to use these as reference material. It also would be beneficial to acquaint yourself with the species’ anatomy guides in order to help ensure you are drawing them correctly.
NOTE: ALL Baby upgrades are applicable when transferring! Accessories MUST still follow accessory rules and be kept simpl enough for a baby!
You may add up to ten (10) applicable upgrades onto your transferred Draken/Nyulop that are Level 15 and under.
Color upgrades and marking upgrades regardless of level may still be used.
Name: Remi
Species: Draken
Element/Alignment: Water
Gender: Female
Creation: Transfer/Transformation
• Fin Tail
• No ears
• No horns
• Tinter
• Spots
• Stripes
Old Application: LINK
(The original application of the character)
Name: Azra
Species: Nyulop
Element/Alignment: Lucky
Gender: Female
Creation: Transfer/Transformation
• Great Hare Day
• Rounded Eyebrows
• Ear Tufts
• Broken Spots
• Sprite Wings
• Unlimited colors
Old Application: LINK
(The original application of the character)
Draken Template Nyulop Template
Ready to get your transferred character approved and join the community?
You will still need to get your character reviewed and approved by a member of staff through the LK approval sytem, but we are excited to see the new Finley you bring!