Independent Housing

Welcome to the Housing Registry for Independent Housing!


As Whistler Crest expands and newly christened adults begin to spread their metaphorical (and sometimes literal) wings with their newfound freedom, the seasons just aren’t room enough for them. Much of Whistler Crest is small, so there’s plenty of space for budding adults to establish themselves a new home. The housing districts are areas in town which have been designated and has gotten the okay for homes and neighborhoods to be built. There are several housing districts, and each district is suited to different lifestyles, so everyone will be able to find the location to build the home perfectly suited to them.


What are the districts?

The housing districts simply refers to the general area where the home is located in relativity to the center of Whistler Crest. Homes in the city district are the closest, with them being literally built in-between and around the existing buildings. Outskirts is the second closest, being a brisk walk away and just on the outside of the existing town, and the agricultural/countryside district is the furthest district, being very far into the rolling hills south of the town, it often takes some form of transport animal to get to the town in a timely manner, so most denizens who live in this district own Varkery or other mounts OR begin the journey into town early in the morning to get there when the rest of town begins to wake. While not technically a district, some odder folk sometimes take living in the woods close to town, though they are riddled with wild beasts and life out there is tough and certainly not for the faint of heart.


Each recognized district has its upsides and downsides to living there, but between the three available districts and the odd fourth option, there’s a place for everyone to find and create their perfect home!


Housing Districts

City District

City District homes are smaller, cozier homes for those who want to be in the center of it all, or who just won’t need a massive mansion to be happy. Their limited space makes them baseline cheaper than other districts, and are perfect for singles or couples who know they won’t have a large family. As a result, however, they can only receive a limited number of house upgrades due to the inability to expand outward in large capacities.

City district home types

  • Basic City Home
  • Townhouse/Apartment


Outskirt District

Outskirt District homes are slightly further from town without being too inconvenient of a walk, and that extra bit of space allows for much more freedom and ability upgrades-wise. Homes built on the outskirts of town can be infinitely upgraded, perfect for those who want very large families, or who suspect they may have large families in the future. Outskirts homes are able to be upgraded infinitely, so additions and extra rooms can be added whenever one so chooses, however due to it still being in relatively close proximity to the town farm animals are a definite no-no for these housings.


Outskirt district home types

  • Basic Outskirts Home
  • Treehouse
  • Dugout


Countryside District

Countryside District homes are a minimum of an hour’s walk from the town without a mount or transportation of any kind, but those that live in the countryside can reap benefits that no other housing district could dream of. Agricultural homes (most commonly and less formally referred to as countryside homes) benefit greatly from their distance from town, and are free to expand their home as much as they want as well as being able to build barns, coops, and fields for owning non-domesticated livestock animals! The only way to own livestock in Whistler Crest is to live in a countryside home, where the appropriate space can be provided for them to be happy…and where their somewhat offensive smell won’t bother the more delicate folk.

Countryside district home types

  • Basic Countryside Home
  • Treehouse
  • Dugout


Forest District

Forest District homes are not built in a district formally recognized by the council. The council does not endorse members of the town going off and living in the woods, as it has the possibility to be incredibly unsafe with the animals that live in the woods being much more harmful than a grumpy Wild Pieshu. Homes in the woods are difficult to maintain and are relatively small, open to even less upgrades than the cozy city homes, but some find a special kind of solace living among nature and its capricious beauty. Forest homes are best fit for singles or couples with only one, maybe two kids due to their size. But for those who are willing to commit, it’s perfect for those who want to truly live their squatting in the woods/cottagecore dreams as it provides total seclusion from the outside world.

Forest district home types

  • Basic Forest cabin
  • Treehouse



What Are Housing Upgrades?

Housing upgrades are the special additions that can be added to the base home everyone starts off with to customize and personalize each character’s home to make it special and unique to them and their family and needs. Upgrades range from extra rooms for children, special rooms for pets, to large-scale projects like barns and fields for animals. What upgrades and the number of upgrades which are available depend on the type of housing. Some housing upgrades also are tied to jobs* and can be used to generate Capella!
* The job system is still under works, but the upgrades can still be bought and used, just not able to generate money at this time! [Feb.2022] . Upgrades marked with ** are tied to a job function.


What Upgrades Are Available?

(Note that the list of upgrades is never final and more may be added into the list as time goes on due to necessity or popular demand. Feel free to suggest additional add-ons in #suggestions!)


House Upgrades Descriptions

Garden**: A small fenced plot of land that comes with seeds to plant. Can have veggies or flowers planted!

Greenhouse**: An encased glass building that can grow flowers or crops regardless of season.

Storage Shed: A small shed thats able to serve as extra storage/an extra room outside.

Second Storey: A second floor for your house! Comes with the ability to add 4 extra rooms.

Basement: A large underground area dug under your house that  lets you add two extra rooms.

Extra Room: Can be turned into a Childs room (houses 2 kids), Pet room (allows for pet breeding), or anything youd like that does not require a space/group function! (Library, lab, art lounge, ect)

Personal Forge (Small)**: A forge you can craft personal projects in! Able to make jewelry, minor armor, and small weapons. [REQUIRES 3 INTERACTIONS WITH OREN TEACHING CHARACTER HOW TO FORGE BEFORE INSTALL]

Stable: Able to hold up to 5 mounts. Enables you to breed mounts.

Stable (Small): Able to hold up to 1 mount. 

Barn**: Enables you to buy, raise, and breed livestock. Is able to hold four types of livestock.

Pasture**: Where you can turn out your livestock or mounts for roaming space! Makes much happier critters!

Field**: Can use this to grow crops to sell for money, and further refine into specialty goods.

Coop**: Enables  you to buy, raise, and breed Csirkatrice. Holds 6 Csirkatrice.

Orchard**: A plot of land that holds several rows of domesticated fruiting trees. Fruits can be used to make specialty goods!

(*Treehouses and Dugouts are unable to get a second storey or basement. )


So What Upgrades CAN I Get With My House?

City District homes:

  • Garden: 3 Ringel 
  • Storage Shed: 1 Ringel
  • Second Storey: 4 Ringel
  • Basement: 2 Ringel
  • Extra Room: 2 Ringel

Outskirts District homes:

  • Garden: 3 Ringel 
  • Greenhouse: 4 Ringel
  • Personal Forge (Small): 6 Ringel
  • Second Storey: 4 Ringel
  • Extra Room: 2 Ringel
  • Basement: 2 Ringel
  • Stable: 3 Ringel

Countryside District homes:

  • Barn: 6 Ringel
  • Pasture: 4 Ringel
  • Field: 4 Ringel
  • Coop: 3 Ringel
  • Orchard: 3 Ringel
  • Greenhouse: 4 Ringel
  • Second Storey: 4 Ringel
  • Extra Room: 2 Ringel
  • Basement: 2 Ringel
  • Stable: 3 Ringel
  • Personal Forge (Small): 6 Ringel

Forest homes:  

  • Garden: 3 Ringel 
  • Storage Shed: 1 Ringel
  • Extra Room: 2 Ringel
  • Basement: 2 Ringel
  • Stable (Small): 2 Ringel



How Do I Get A Home?

Starter homes are 5 Ringel, and cannot be reduced in price by prompts. The base home includes a master bedroom, one extra room, bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Expansions can be purchased for various amounts of Ringel, and can be reduced in price by drawing prompts

Afterwards, whenever you’re building add-ons to your home you only need to do one prompt for each upgrade being added. If you’re not a fan of the work, you can circumvent the need to do prompts by opting to pay the price of each upgrade instead and get the addition instantly.


If you would like to build your home expansions through prompts, you can choose from the list of the following prompts or come up with your own so long as they clearly show the expansions construction being the main focus or its construction as the main intent of the prompt:

  • Choosing materials for the expansion
  • Sketching room concepts
  • Choosing paints for the room
  • Bringing materials to the construction site
  • Helping the construction (Building rooms, floors, the roof, etc.)
  • Putting together furniture
  • Decorating the rooms
  • Painting the walls

All prompts should be shaded with a medium background!

Where Do I Sign?

In order to buy a home, fill out the following form(s) and go to #housing-registry in discord. Note that a home must be built for an upgrade to be added to it. It is okay to delete optional sections you find not applicable to your registry.



Signer: [Character who will be living in and owning the home]
DA Username: [Username of the homeowner]

(Optional) Home Prompts: [Link house building prompts, if applicable]

Total Capella Owed: 

Spare Room to Child Rooms opt-in: [Yes/No]

District: [City, Outskirts, Countryside, Forest]



Signer: [Character names here]

Upgrade prompt: [If chosen to do a prompt, delete below section and link prompt here]

Capella Owed: [If chosen not to do a prompt, delete above section and write cost of expansion here]



Moving In or Out?: [In/Out]

Character Moving: [Name]
Owner’s DA Username: [Username of relocating character’s player]

Previous Home: [Write in the home or seasonal housing they lived in previous, or none if N/A]

Children?: [Specify if the characters are teenagers or below and would need a children’s room]

Homeowner(s): [Specify the owner(s) of the home the character is moving into]

Homeowner’s DA Username: [Usernames of the homeowner players]


Created: 28 February 2024, 06:39:28 CST
Last updated: 28 February 2024, 06:39:28 CST