Various Forms for Characters

DOnation/Adoption form

When donating a character, please comment under Dane's Adoption Agency  with this form below to donate your character. Once a member of staff confirms the donation, they will comment under yours, and send a character trading request to you from the Whistler Crest Staff account.

Donation Form:
**Character being donated:**
**Latest image:**

When gifting a character to someone else, please comment under Dane's Adoption Agency  with this form below, and ping the recepient
Gifting Form:
**Gifting to: @username**
**Character being gifted:**
**Latest image:**

Team Registration

Please fill out the following information in the comments of Swifts Guild Hall to get your team registered!

Team Name: (Whatever you'd like so long as it's appropriate!)
Team Leader: (Soloists put your name here, groups elect a leader!)
Team Members: (Include both character and owner names)

You may not have more than one character of yours on a team at a time.
• Team leaders may only form one team at a time.
• If they want to be in another team or a leader of another team they must disband their current team in order to do so.
• Teams can consist of up to four characters, four characters is the upper limit.

All information on the team spreadsheet will be available for viewing by all members of the group.
  If you have any changes to your team, any member of the team is responsible for posting this form to the Discord server so we can manually change the spreadsheet:


        • Initiating new members
                       • Removal of previous members
• Changing of leaders

Created: 10 June 2024, 03:52:59 CDT
Last updated: 12 August 2024, 02:00:34 CDT