Draken Magic


An Introduction to Draken Magic

Draken magic is inherent. While children are not born with the ability to bend mana, the sense begins to heighten as the third eye gem grows in. The intake and use of mana is a natural action for grown Draken, observed through growing Draken beginning to make use of their newly gained elemental abilities. However, baby Draken are still able to exhibit differences from each element early on.

There is not much-written history on the growth of Draken styles of magic. It is so natural to them that magical growth differs depending on the individual; it is not something that needs to be passed down from generation to generation. What few documents that have been salvaged talk of Six Great Sages, whose power was said to rival those of energysent.

The Six Great Sages dedicated their lives and bodies to honing their ability in an attempt to transcend the physicality of their magic and their form. Each sage possessed the entire strength of their element, able to bend that element to their will. It is speculated that their path to enlightenment is how the Third Eye Gem got its name.

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The Elements

There are six different elements that a Draken may be born as. Many are born with a single element, but some may very rarely be born in tune with two elements. Dual Element Draken will be discussed later, but for now, we will move on to discuss each element and their ease of use.


Fire is very easy to use but difficult to master. History has told of Fire as an aggressively emotional and destructive element, but those willing to delve deeper will find themselves studying a very complex set of skills. Fire is impulsive, able to be called on a whim even when the caster does not mean to do so. This can lead to some very unfortunate situations, and it is why Fire is so hard to master. One who wishes to master this element must slow down and take it easy. Once you learn to “go with the flow”, you will be on your way slowly but surely.


Water is hard to use, but easier to master than most other elements. The element of Water will not answer to those who expect to be able to use it on a whim, it is unresponsive to a caster’s emotional state, and for many untrained hands will be exceptionally difficult to move even in the deepest of focus. It is advised that those who wish to master water should meditate for a short time every day, and it has proven to work on many occasions. Many Draken who have a hard time focusing on nothing for a long time find their focus in creative outlets such as painting. Going for long runs is also said to help. Once you are in a good state of mind, one must practice hard on bending the water with the utmost focus. Once the water has learned to bend with your flow, it is smooth sailing from there.


Wind is easy to use, but difficult to use depending on which branch you decide to take. Sound is the easiest to master out of all of them, with Hurricane being the hardest. This does not mean sound is easy to master, however. Many young Draken have trouble with throwing their voices, throwing them too far and burning themselves out or they may not throw them at all! (Sound-based Draken also has a history of accidentally muting themselves during arguments where they wanted to shut the opposing party up!) One who wishes to master wind magic must be fierce like a hurricane but malleable like a light breeze. You must accept what comes, but be firm in your decisions. Go forth and be confident, young Draken!


Young Draken may find Earth-based magic to be pretty difficult, after all, it involves some relatively loaded concepts such as moving the earth below your feet or hyper-accelerating the growth of a flora - but not to the point where they wilt! Those who are inexperienced may find themselves uselessly throwing rocks about or perhaps unable to make any plant life bend to their will. This is normal! One may soon find out that manipulating earth and focusing on their healing touch becomes easier when they let their fears go, a powerful Earth Draken must have some modicum of courage after all, right? Young Draken may find themselves able to easier control their elements if they are not worrying about the outcome all the time! Those who have a naturally brave disposition may have an easier time picking up this kind of magic. Those who are mentally weak may not bend unwavering rock to their will.


Some say Ice is a fickle soul, as it is hard to use and hard to master. Ice is often depicted as an element of serenity and beauty, though those who are patient enough to learn will soon find out that Ice can also be ruthless and cold. It is no secret that Ice can be fragile, so those who are just starting to learn it will have an easier time creating snow and a harder time materializing solid crystals of ice. In the beginning, your icy creations may melt or be smashed quite quickly, which can be very disheartening! If you can call upon your determination to continue, however, you will find yourself a master of ice magic… in an unspecified amount of time!


Lightning is a very sporadic and unpredictable element, described by many lightning draken as difficult to use. Even the most trained masters of magic will admit to having trouble getting a grasp on lightning magic at first. Its random nature can make it hard to get a read on what a particular spell will do, so when mana is released it tends to go in random directions. Lightning Draken are advised to have a medical professional on standby just in case something goes wrong if you didn’t manage to get all of the conductive material out of the way… Well, lightning magic being random isn’t all that true, actually! It just happens so fast that it’s hard to recognize what really went wrong. While lightning tends to be attracted to tall objects and objects with conductive properties, lightning mana may be attracted to entities that the caster is thinking about! This can cause all sorts of trouble, try not to get lovestruck by lightning! Once the caster can learn to concentrate on where their spells will land, it should be easier to handle from there.

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How do I learn Draken Magic?

You must have an approved adult application* in the group to start learning magic.

*Slow-growing Draken may not learn magic until their Third Eye Gem is fully open!

You must also be careful to follow the tier prerequisites and drawing requirements!

To go over all of the requirements once again, to learn a tier you will require:

• The prerequisites listed for that tier (A tier requirement and a level requirement)
• The drawing requirement of that tier is uploaded to the ‘Draken Magic’ folder in the group. The image must be fully shaded with a detailed background with at least a half body shown!

Once you have fulfilled all of those requirements, your Draken may take the tier!
But, what’s this?

My Draken is already max level, so I’ll be able to take these tiers really easily, right?

Hold your horses, my friend! Draken need time to acclimate to the amount of mana they’ve taken in by using their new tier, so taking too many tiers one after the other will cause your Draken to experience Mana Burnout! What do I do to avoid Mana Burnout, you ask?

Well, All Draken who are above the level requirement needed to take a tier must wait one week before learning their next tier.

It is highly advised that you do not rush!

In addition Tier Trees? Branches? How much can I learn?

Every Draken Element has a magic tree! These magic trees have so far split into two branches with up to 5 tiers of magic in each branch. Every branch has a different name, and everyone can mix and match learning these magic!

If you are a single-element Draken, you can take up to 10 tiers in one branch. If you take up to 10 tiers in one branch, this is called “mastery” of that branch. You may not take beyond 5 tiers of either branch beyond this.


You’ve decided to take 10 tiers in the Fire branch of Bonfire. You may only take up to tier 5 in the Firework branch, and you may only take up to tier 5 in the Melt branch. You may not exceed tier 5 in either of these extra branches.

If you are a single-element Draken, you can take up to 7 tiers in all three branches.


You’ve decided you want to know a little bit of everything, and you take up to 7 tiers in the Fire branch of Melt. You may take up to tier 7 in the Bonfire branch, and you may take up to tier 7 in the Firework branch. You may not exceed tier 7 in any branch of the Fire Magic Tree.

If you are a single-element Draken, you can master up to one branch in your magic tree and take up to seven tiers in one branch while leaving the last branch untouched.


You’ve decided to master Firework magic, but you also want to go as far as possible in Bonfire magic. You have 10 tiers of Firework magic and can take an additional 7 tiers in Bonfire magic, but because of this, you may not learn melt magic.

If you are a DUAL element Draken, you may not exceed Tier 5 in any branch across both magic trees you have access to.


You’ve decided you want to learn the Bonfire branch in the Fire Magic Tree. You take up to 5 tiers in that branch, and cannot go any further. If you want to, you can take up to 5 tiers in Firework and up to 5 tiers in Melt without exceeding Tier 5 in any branch.

ADDITIONALLY, you find yourself with an extra Ice element. You may choose to take up to 5 tiers in every branch on the Ice Magic Tree, but you may not exceed Tier 5 in any branch

With that, I bring you…

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The Draken Directory of Magic!



NPCs That Know This Element:

• Blaise is a master of Bonfire magic, meaning he knows skills up to tier 10! He also has gone half way (up to tier 5) with Firework and the elusive Melt branch. 

• Speaking of Melt, Oren is a master of it! Melt magic is an incredibly difficult branch of fire magic to get a hold of, and such it seems that you can not learn melt magic as of right now! When you are able to, Oren will be happy to help you learn it! He has also taken up to tier 7 in Bonfire.


Fire Breath

Universal Starter

Breathe a stream of fire, it’s length stretches to 10 feet.

• Growing Up
• Fire Element 

Danger Tier
Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns.
Able to set fire to yourself and others.

Fire Ball

Bonfire Tier 2

Conjure a ball of fire in your hand, you may shoot this at an enemy or use it to illuminate a dark place.

• Fire Breath
• Level 8

Danger Tier
Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns.
Able to set fire to yourself and others.

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Gatling Flame

Bonfire Tier 3

Use your fire ball powers to fire small embers from your mouth at a fast rate!

• Fire Ball
• Level 11

Danger Tier
Tier 3: Able to inflict burn wounds - can inflict first-degree burns

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Friction Flame

Bonfire Tier 4

When you run your claws across solid surfaces, you can strike up a flame as if you were striking a match. This does not hurt the user.

• Gatling Flame
• Level 15

Danger Tier
Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns.
Able to set fire to yourself and others.

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Flame Cannon

Bonfire Tier 5

You've super-developed your fireball ability and you can now use it to shoot medium sized fire cannon balls! The fire flies out of your mouth at a relatively quick speed.

• Friction Flame
• Level 20

Danger Tier
Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns.
The impact of the fire cannon ball on flesh will cause bruising.
Able to set fire to yourself and others.

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Fire Breath

Universal Starter

Breathe a stream of fire, it’s length stretches to 10 feet.

• Growing Up
• Fire Element 

Danger Tier
Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns.
Able to set fire to yourself and others.


Firework Tier 2

Create a small pop of embers in your hands.

•  Fire Breath
• Level 8

Danger Tier
Tier 3: Able to cause minor burns. The impact upon flesh will cause bruising.

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Firework Tier 3

Create a small flash of sparkling lights in your hands. You can focus this ability and push it farther away from you, reaching up to 5 feet.

•  Crackle
• Level 11

Danger Tier
Tier 2: This may hurt someone’s eyes and blind them for a while, but it will not cause permanent blindness.

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Firework Tier 4

Now you may cancel out an explosion by bursting smoke from your palms. You aren't sure how this disperses the explosion...But you figure the pressure is so much greater that it stops it from expanding outward.

• Dazzle
• Level 15

Danger Tier
Tier 2: This may hurt someone’s eyes and blind them for a while, but it will not cause permanent blindness.

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Firework Tier 5

Now you can really create fireworks! You can throw a bursting ball of light out of your hands up to 20 feet. This light explodes into a firework that covers a radius of 10 feet.

• Showstopper
• Level 20

Danger Tier
Tier 5: Your explosions can cause potentially fatal damage (if untreated) and extreme disfiguration to anyone caught in the explosion. Able to set fire to yourself and others.

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Fire Breath

Universal Starter

Breathe a stream of fire, it’s length stretches to 10 feet.

• Growing Up
• Fire Element 

Danger Tier
Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns.
Able to set fire to yourself and others.





NPCs That Know This Element:

• Swift is a master of River Magic! He knows skills up to Tier 10. He has gone up seven tiers with Ocean magic, leaving the third branch untouched.

• Vortea has 5 tiers across all three branches of water magic (River, Ocean and Purify) and is happy to help beginners get ahold of their element.



Water Jet

Universal Starter

Shoot a pressurized jet of water from your mouth that can fly up to 15 feet.

• Growing Up
• Water Element 

Danger Tier
Tier 3: The impact of pressurized water against skin causes bruising and minor fractures.

River Sense

River Tier 2

Sense nearby sources of water to pull from.

• Water Jet
• Level 8

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.

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River Tier 3

You may now erupt small water spouts from your claws. The pressure from it hurts and can cause small bruises on impact.

• River Sense
• Level 11

Danger Tier
Tier 3: The impact of pressurized water against skin causes bruising and minor fractures.

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Water Propulsion

River Tier 4

When you are in a body of water, manipulate its form to jet yourself through it faster than you could normally! When you are near a body of water, but on land, manipulate water to boost yourself forward for 6 seconds.

• Spout
• Level 15

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.

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Water Blade

River Tier 5

Your Draken may now pull from water sources to materialize a blade around parts of their body (one part per cast)! This blade only stays active on the body for 5 minutes.

• Water Propulsion
• Level 20

Danger Tier
Tier 4: Can cause scarring wounds, the blades can cut through skin and scale.

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Water Jet

Universal Starter

Shoot a pressurized jet of water from your mouth that can fly up to 15 feet.

• Growing Up
• Water Element 

Danger Tier
Tier 3: The impact of pressurized water against skin causes bruising and minor fractures.

Manipulate Waves

Ocean Tier 2

You are able to manipulate water to a degree, and must be near a prominent body of water in order to do so. You are able to shake out waves, and move water around in the air, but not terribly quickly.

• Water Jet
• Level 8

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.

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Bubble Capture

Ocean Tier 3

You can now pull from moisture in the air to create a big bubble with a 5 foot radius. It takes a bit of force to pop this bubble, and it is capable of carrying someone a little ways off of the ground. The radius of the bubble created increases +X feet where X is the number of tiers you have in Ocean.

• Manipulate Waves
• Level 11

Danger Tier
Tier 2: The height with which you could drop someone from is essentially up to you, but assuming you don’t hold them over the side of a cliff, falling from that height will cause scrapes and bruises.

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Aqua Sphere

Ocean Tier 4

Your Draken may pull from a water source to create a sphere of water with a diameter no bigger than 1 foot/12 inches/30cm. If thrown, it may either keep its shape or burst like a water balloon!

• Bubble Capture
• Level 15

Danger Tier
Tier 3: This is essentially the equivalent of hitting them with a giant dodgeball - but depending upon the force of the throw combined with the pressure of the pop can cause bruising and minor fractures at it’s best.

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Water Bullet

Ocean Tier 5

You may pull from a water source to create a orbs of water. You may only shoot one projectile at a time. They burst upon impact and contain enough pressure to leave a nasty bruise.

• Aqua Sphere
• Level 20

Danger Tier
Tier 4: The impact of the bullet can rip through skin and lead to scarring if not attended to.

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Water Jet

Universal Starter

Shoot a pressurized jet of water from your mouth that can fly up to 15 feet.

• Growing Up
• Water Element 

Danger Tier
Tier 3: The impact of pressurized water against skin causes bruising and minor fractures.





NPCs That Know This Element:

• Honey is a master of Hurricane Magic, knowing all 10 tiers that branch has to offer. She also knows up to tier 5 in Cotton and Sound.

• Gale is a master of Cotton Magic, which is a branch of magic considered hard to grasp. It is unable to be learned by the townsfolk as of this time! She also has up to Tier 7 in Sound magic.



Breeze Caller

Universal Starter

You can call small gusts of wind at-will. This wind is as about as powerful as a light breeze.

• Growing Up
• Wind Element 

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.

Strong Winds

Hurricane Tier 2

You may now conjure powerful blasts of wind capable of knocking someone over at it’s full power! The more widespread the effect, the weaker the winds overall.

• Breeze-Caller
• Level 8

Danger Tier
Tier 2: Can cause small cuts, scrapes and bruises. Being knocked over will definitely hurt!

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Wind Blade

Hurricane Tier 3

You can condense wind mana into a small blade that serves as a projectile.

• Strong Winds
• Level 11

Danger Tier
Tier 4: The ripping blades conjured by this skill can cause scars if not treated with urgency.

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Multi Blade

Hurricane Tier 4

You can condense wind mana into multiple small blades that serve as projectiles.

• Wind Blade
• Level 15

Danger Tier
Tier 4: The ripping blades conjured by this skill can cause scars if not treated with urgency.

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Vaccum Vortex

Hurricane Tier 5

You can create a sphere of wind mana that sucks anything close to it towards it like a mini, spherical tornado. The caster may disburse the sphere whenever they see fit, or it will vanish when the caster becomes too tired to sustain it.

• Multi-Blade
• Level 20

Danger Tier
Tier 3: The wind itself can and will toss anyone in the immediate vicinity around like a ragdoll if they are unprepared for the sphere’s appearance.

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Breeze Caller

Universal Starter

You can call small gusts of wind at-will. This wind is as about as powerful as a light breeze.

• Growing Up
• Wind Element 

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.

Enhanced Hearing

Sound Tier 2

For a short time, you may enhance their hearing whether they are now able to hear in a wider ranger or able to hear quieter sounds.

• Breeze-Caller
• Level 8

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.

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Throw Voice

Sound Tier 3

You may now THROW your voice to a certain area, whether this means keeping it a certain volume within a certain range or talking to someone from a certain distance without being there themselves! Your base level range is 5 feet. The range of "Throw Voice" increases by +X feet where X is every tier you have in Sound.

• Enhanced Hearing
• Level 11

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.

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Sound Tier 4

You may increase the volume of your own voice without strain, the intensity may become large enough to speak over a small group (of 5-8 people).

• Throw Voice
• Level 15

Danger Tier
Tier 3: You could probably hurt someone’s ears with this skill, but you won’t damage their hearing.

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Forced Mute

Sound Tier 5

You may cancel out the speaking and/or noise of a target for a base time of 30 seconds.You may only mute one being at a time.

• Megaphone
• Level 20

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.

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Breeze Caller

Universal Starter

You can call small gusts of wind at-will. This wind is as about as powerful as a light breeze.

• Growing Up
• Wind Element 

Danger Tier
This skill poses no threat of injury.


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Created: 19 February 2024, 06:45:21 CST
Last updated: 8 August 2024, 03:47:09 CDT