MYO-019: Miku

Owned by sharkivore

Miku is very open-minded and a rational desicion maker. She likes to think of how things would benefit her and others in a positive and fun way, and doesn't like to take things seriously. She's usually rather behaved when around Luka, just being friendly to the kids and helping out elders when they ask, but if Luka isn't around to watch her, Miku can become like a child.

Miku might as well be known as a child that always got her way, or a Diva if you will. She always seems to have energy and wants to be heard, be the center of attention! If you try to get her to disipline someone, it will more than likely end up in a party not even seconds later. She even would be known to get invited to birthdays because of her singing and positive energy!



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